Sunday, September 5, 2010

Update: September 2010

Here, I am with the September update, I didn't quite get everything I wanted done on my list, but I definitely got a good chunk done.

Here's the bit of my Laundry List & a few others I did finish:

Crackdown (X360)
Bayonetta (X360)
Lost Planet (X360)
Splosion Man (XBLA)
PB Winterbottom (XBLA)
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game (XBLA)
Pokemon HeartGold (DS)
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)
Professor Layton & The Diabolical Box (DS)
Depict1 (PC)

I'm slowly chipping off the Mega Laundry List, but we'll keep going a month at a time, I like the rate this is going.

Laundry List (Sept 2010):

StarCraft (66% complete)
StarCraft: Brood War (0% complete)

I said I would beat this last month, but then I was an idiot. This month for sure.

Mass Effect (10% (?) complete)

I've been wanting to beat another BioWare game for a while now, so I asked a really good friend of mine, Blaine; a really big BioWare fan to pick between Mass Effect and Jade Empire, both games I own but have never beaten. His opinion was that I start Mass Effect, while making sure I know how good Jade Empire is. I'll be trying my best to beat this this month.

Resonance of Fate (0% complete)

Two RPG's in one month? I'm not sure if I'm up to it, given my average work week, but I'll try.

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (0% complete)

With the new one freshly released, I may as well beat this before I try out the new one.

Red Faction: Guerilla (0% complete)

I just got this recently, and I've been hoping to beat it at a calmer time during the month.

Brutal Legend (0% complete)

Epic game made by Double Fine that I've been neglecting. Need to beat this after I get it back from Deej.

DeadRising 2: Case Zero (60% complete)

Just bought this and I've actually tackled a bit of it already. I'm having a lot of fun with this glorified demo for DeadRising 2, and I'll probably play a great chunk of it for a while.

Shank (0% complete)

An arcade title I've been hearing a lot about, I picked it up, and I'm hoping to beat it over a weekend maybe.

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (0% complete)

Part of the Summer of Arcade that I've only just picked up. I would prefer to go through it with a co-op partner, but I'll try and beat it by myself if I can't get a hold of anyone.

Phantom Dust (5% complete)

A great game that I picked up back in March, I've only played a bit of it so far, but be sure to see a Retro Review on it.

Planned Purchases (Sept 5 - Sept 28)

These are the things I hope to purchase in the following month. Due to personal reasons, I might not have the funds to grab more then a few titles, but I'll try my best.

If I'm getting anything big at all this month (which isn't looking likely), it'll be between a DSi XL, or an iPhone.

YS Seven

I'm trying to breathe some new life into my PSP with some titles like Valkyria Chronicles 2 (I need to get a hold of a PS3 to play the first one), Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, Final Fantasy Tactics, Persona 3 Portable, and this.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

Comes out on September 7, hoping to grab a hold of it, because I've actually really liked the Kingdom Hearts series so far.

Professor Layton & The Unwound Future

Given the fact that I've just beaten the 2nd one a few hours from writing this, this is something I'm actually looking very forward to.

Front Mission Evolved

I've always wanted to get into the Front Mission series, but the traditional turn based system isn't catching my eye. I'm hoping after buying this I can try Front Mission 1 again, and maybe appreciate the mechanics a bit more.

Dead Rising 2

From what I've played of Case Zero so far, and some of the developer diaries I've seen, the game is looking like a very good purchase so far.

Future Reviews:

I was all set to do 3 reviews last month, but I only managed to do 1, so this month, I'm going to crank out a few more:

Review: Alan Wake

One of my most anticipated games of 2010. The review will be finalized this month.

Review: Resonance of Fate

Again, just toying with some ideas here. Practicing as a writer and such. Expect to see my review on this as I complete it.

Quick Review: Monday Night Combat

Another review from last month I couldn't complete. It shouldn't take too long hence 'Quick' review.

Quick Review: Depict1

A great indie game that came straight out of left field (aka: DToid) and was a highly enjoyable 15 minutes. I'll have to do a small write-up.

Retro Review: Phantom Dust

A great game, that's really overlooked, back when I bought it, I only played it for a few minutes before shelving it, I'm going to dig it back out this month and give it some much needed time.

So there's September in a nutshell.

Image credits: IGN

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